Saturday 11 June 2016

network manager changing default 10.42 to custom ip range

Want to configure AP or DHCP server using Network manager but
finding it difficult to get rid of the pre-set 10.42.0.x/24 network ?

Here is how it can be fixed.

Setup a Hostspot or a network from GUI (nm-applet).
the GUI may not give options to set IP address. Dont worry

lets say the name of the connection is bhasker

$ nmcli  c
NAME                    UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE
bhasker                 8f2a5550-d7c0-48f3-a5e5-e39beee0ed58  802-11-wireless  ap0

$ nmcli  c modify bhasker ipv4.address

(please note the /24. This is important or else dnsmasq will complain)

$nmcli c up bhasker

thats it ! you now have a DHCP range in 172.17.1.x and an AP !


  1. This is the answer what I am looking for. Months searching for it. TANK YOU!
